NBO, Fix My Catch-All Room

My client went to visit her parents in Monterrey and decided she would give her mother the closet of her dreams.  The problem is the room where this closet would be installed is a complete catch-all room.

Client: I want to design a DREAM DRESSING ROOM for my Mother for her birthday & Mother’s Day gift

NBO:  I love it when I am a gift!  Let’s discuss a plan of action.


The NBO D.R.E.A.M Process


The dream was easy.  A dressing room fit for a fashionista who is beyond deserving of it including a desk area for “conducting business”.


We had to review all her current closets to decide what would make the final cut in the dressing room.


We relocated all office items to their new home or donated them.  Then we touched ever pair of shoes, hat, dress, casual separate, jewelry, accessory, and handbag and donated everything that wasn’t an absolutely LOVE!


We used the inventory of the LOVES to design the luxury closet with all of the bells and whistles for a life long classy fashionista.


After the initial design, we called on the experts and after installation, we created her dream space with glamorous pieces like an armchair and sparkly containers.

Timeline:  This project took (5) 6-hour Sessions

Dressing Room Dream - After Purge.png .png
Dressing Dream - Before.jpeg
Dressing Room Dream - Post Purge.png
Tiana Vallan