NBO, Fix Whitney’s Move

Top Paragrah:  My client had to hire a team locally to pack & move her into her new apartment in a new city with double the amount of space.  The problem?  They did a HORRIBLE job.  They unpacked and just put things anywhere.  There was no rhyme or reason.  I found baby oil gel on a shelf above the spices.

The NBO D.R.E.A.M Process

DREAM: My client’s dream was a completely organized house that is easy to maintain because she has a chronic illness and is oxygen dependant.

REALIGN:  I had to align her daily needs & activities with the new space, categorize and organize accordingly

ELIMINATE:  We donated about 10 boxes worth of items and discarded double that amount after reviewing every item in the apartment.

ASSIGN:  I placed items Whitney needed everyday easily accessible with higher spaces used as backup & extras items.

MATCH:  Shopping shopping shopping to help maximize the storage spaces Whitney had.  The storage and organizational products provided style and allows for easy upkeep.

TIMELINE:  Four 6-hour sessions 

Tiana Vallan